3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kits

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Designed and only for use with 3M™ PPS™ items. Not compatible with 3M™ PPS™ Series 2.0 items.

Kits contain disposable lids with micron filters, liners and sealing plugs

Available for 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars in four sizes from 180 ml up to 850 ml for jobs ranging from spot repairs to large repairs

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  • Designed and only for use with 3M™ PPS™ items. Not compatible with 3M™ PPS™ Series 2.0 items
  • Kits contain disposable lids with micron filters, liners and sealing plugs
  • Available for 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars in four sizes from 180 ml up to 850 ml for jobs ranging from spot repairs to large repairs
  • 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System is an all-in-one disposable solution for measuring, mixing, filtering, and spraying of paint materials
  • System enables the painter to consistently spray at 90 degrees to the part, no matter the part orientation (even upside down)
  • Reduces the chance of outside contamination, delivers consistent material transfer and helps reduce paint consumption
  • 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System reduces cleaning solvent consumption and reduces prep and clean-up time
  • Sealing plugs allow for temporary sealing and protection of non-catalyzed paint materials

Merajte, zmiešavajte, filtrujte aj lakujte s našou univerzálnou štandardnou súpravou 3M™ PPS™. Náš kompletný jednorazový systém prípravy laku Paint Preparation System (PPS™) má za cieľ čo najviac zjednodušiť život lakovača karosérií. Obsahuje viečka s mikrónovým filtrom

3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kits (first version - not compatible with 3M™ PPS™ Series 2.0 items) contain disposable lids, disposable liners and sealing plugs, specifically for use with the 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System. Each 3M™ PPS™ lid features a welded-in filter which effectively strains paint material during application. Choose lids with 125 micron filters, which are often recommended for waterborne paint materials; or 200 micron filters for traditional solvent-based paint materials. Always reference your paint manufacturer to ensure the recommended filter to strain the material. Lids and liners are sized specifically for the range of 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars (first version), allowing technicians to mix graduated measurements of up to 850 ml. Lid and liner sizes include: 3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kit Mini Size for use with 180 ml 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars - excellent for spot repairs and 1-panel repairs 3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kit Midi Size for use with 400 ml 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars - great for 2-panel repairs 3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kit Standard Size for use with 650 ml 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars - excellent for 3-panel repairs 3M™ PPS™ Lid & Liner Kit Large Size or use with 850 ml 3M™ PPS™ Cups & Collars - ideal for 4-panel repairs

Typical Properties


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