Čistiaci Disk CG DC je vysokoflexibilný disk tvoriaci alternatívu k drôteným kefám pri odstraňovaní korózie, laku či tmelov. Má najlepšiu účinnosť čistenia vo svojej triede a vytvára hladký a konzistentný povrch. Táto verzia sa používa s priamou brúskou.
For a superior finish, use Scotch-Brite™ Clean and Strip Disc. Our non-woven discs offer a safe alternative to wire brushes to effectively clean welds, remove rust and strip paint. They cover a wider surface area, producing a finer result that may eliminate the need for subsequent finishing steps. Scotch-Brite clean and strip discs use a sharp synthetic extra coarse silicon carbide abrasive, typically used in low pressure applications such as paint preparation. It breaks down faster than aluminium oxide, to give a superior finish. Our Scotch-Brite industrial abrasives are unique surface conditioning products. We blend them with non-woven nylon or other synthetic fibres, to create a system that offers consistent results for the entire product lifespan. The discs are perfect for removing soft coatings. The open material together with the aggressive abrasive, provides a smooth running wheel that resists loading. By limiting fibre clogging, the abrasive minerals keep their high cutting performance.
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