3M ™ Mušľové chrániče PELTOR™ X5A z radu X sú vysoko výkonné chrániče sluchu, ktoré ponúkajú tlmenie 37 (dB), na použitie v prostrediach s extrémne vysokou úrovňou hluku, kde je obvykle nutná dvojitá ochrana. Aj napriek väčšej mušli zostávajú chrániče relatívne ľahké, dokonale vyvážené a pohodlné pre používateľov.
For high performance hearing protection against moderate to high noise levels, use 3M™ PELTOR™ X5 Earmuffs. 3M PELTOR Earmuffs X5 are colour-coded black, making it simple to select the correct level of protection from the X series range. Combining 3M's legendary hearing protection knowledge with advanced technology, our earmuffs include a specially formulated foam in the earcups and cushions with an innovative spacer and cup design. The 3M Peltor X Series X5 earmuff is the highest attenuating earmuff in the PELTOR range, reducing noise up to 37 dB.The technology employed in the design means despite the larger earcups, the earmuff is still lightweight with excellent balance and comfort. The headband model features an electrically insulated, twin headband design that helps reduce heat build-up on top of the head, and the stainless steel wire, coated with plastic makes the headband the most robust 3M has to offer. It is both strong and comfortable as the flat wide headband has a soft plastic coating providing stable pressure on top of the head. No exposed metal means the product is 'dielectric' providing electrical resistance for those applications with risk of spark or charge. Carefully moulded sliders ensure the earmuffs are easy to adjust when on the head. Wide, soft foam ear cushions help workers stay comfortable, while the slim cups offer improved compatibility with other safety equipment. Offering a product to meet each users job or preference the helmet mounted version is available as P5 with the same dielectric performance as the headband model. Alternatively, if the application does not require electrical insulation the helmet mounted P3 model and neckband is available. The cushions and foam inserts, available as Hygiene Kits, are easy to replace if they become worn or damaged, helping extend the life of the product.
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