1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Pásky a fólie
  4. Reflexné obklady
  5. 3M™ ElectroCut™ Film 1177C, Green, 1220 mm x 45.7 m, 1 Roll/Case

3M™ ElectroCut™ Film 1177C, Green, 1220 mm x 45.7 m, 1 Roll/Case

  • 3M ID 7000030809
  • UPC 00051138644123

Traffic signs manufactured with the transparent coloured 3M Electronic Cuttable Films 1170C can be CE marked following the respective European Technical Approval (ETA), with exception of orange EC film 1174C

Due to the high transparency of 3M Electronic Cuttable Films, retroreflective signs made with these films give equal or better retroreflective performance than sheetings screenprinted with transparent inks

Transparent coloured electronic cuttable films applied to white 3M™ Reflective Sheeting can be expected to give performance comparable to integrally coloured reflective sheetings

Zobraziť viac detailov
Celková šírka (metricky) 1,22 Meter
Zobrazovacie metódy Elektronické rezanie
Farba produktu Zelená
Celková dĺžka (metricky) 46 Meter
Splnené technické údaje SK 12899-1:2007 typu RA2 / ETA R2


  • Traffic signs manufactured with the transparent coloured 3M Electronic Cuttable Films 1170C can be CE marked following the respective European Technical Approval (ETA), with exception of orange EC film 1174C
  • Due to the high transparency of 3M Electronic Cuttable Films, retroreflective signs made with these films give equal or better retroreflective performance than sheetings screenprinted with transparent inks
  • Transparent coloured electronic cuttable films applied to white 3M™ Reflective Sheeting can be expected to give performance comparable to integrally coloured reflective sheetings
  • Imaging through a solvent free process compared to screenprinting inks
  • Provides optimal cutting, weeding, lifting, and transfer features

Transparent coloured electronic cuttable films with pressure-sensitive adhesive for application over 3M™ Reflective Sheetings. Specifically designed for use on electronic cutting equipment to create coloured backgrounds, panels, text or symbols on traffic signs. It is an alternative imaging method to screen printing or using cut out text and symbols.


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