3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ II Earmuffs

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Reducing noise levels from 30-31 dB, model dependant, tested to EN 352:2020

Compatible with the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System

Large space inside the cups helps minimise heat and moisture build-up

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  • Reducing noise levels from 30-31 dB, model dependant, tested to EN 352:2020
  • Compatible with the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System
  • Large space inside the cups helps minimise heat and moisture build-up
  • Wide, comfortable foam sealing rings provide optimum seal and ideal comfort, even during long periods of use
  • Cushions and inserts available as replacement Hygiene Kits
  • Available in headband, folding headband, neckband, helmet attached and green and high Hi-Viz green colour options
  • Use in loud, demanding environments with substantial industrial noise such as airports, construction sites and during agricultural work
  • The Hi-Viz green is ideal for workers who need hearing protection and be extra visible – on road construction sites, airports or other high-risk workplaces

3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ II Earmuffs are our innovative hearing protectors for use in loud, demanding environments including airports and construction sites, reducing noise levels up to 31 dB. These earmuffs feature soft foam cushions, ventilation channels in the sealing rings and spacious cups, providing agreeable comfort even in long-term use and improving incidence of wear and compliance.

Get high level hearing protection that protects against even extremely low frequencies with 3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ II Earmuffs. Tested in accordance with EN 352:2020, our earmuffs reduce noise levels up to 31 dB. They’re ideal for use in loud, demanding environments with substantial industrial noise such as airports, construction sites and during agricultural work. Designed with comfort in mind, the large space inside the cups helps reduce heat and moisture build-up, and the soft, wide cushions help decrease pressure around the ears. The sealing rings have ventilation channels and are covered with soft, patterned, hygienic foam, making them comfortable to wear for long periods. The cushions and foam inserts, available as Hygiene Kits, are easy to replace if they become worn or damaged, extending the life of the product. They’re available in multiple models for your preference selection, including headband, folding headband, neckband, helmet attached and colours include military green and High-Viz green.

Typical Properties

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