3M™ Hard Hat G3000 Series

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Hard hat designed for use in harsh environments, with excellent ventilation and a good field of vision

3M™ Uvicator™ sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it

Softly rounded design helps avoid parts snagging on cables or branches

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  • Hard hat designed for use in harsh environments, with excellent ventilation and a good field of vision
  • 3M™ Uvicator™ sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it
  • Softly rounded design helps avoid parts snagging on cables or branches
  • Ventilation holes distributed over a large area offer maximum through-flow of air, increasing wearer comfort
  • Head harness can be rotated 180° for better visibility when working in confined spaces Short peak gives improved upwards visibility
  • Short peak gives improved upwards visibility
  • Branding and logo printing options available
  • Replaceable leather or plastic sweatband
  • Mining lamp holder option available
  • Approved for use at -30°C
  • Available in 8 standard colours (white, yellow, blue, red, green, orange, black, hi-viz green)

3M™ Series G3000 hard hat has been designed in close collaboration with industrial and forestry workers. It is intended for use in harsh environments with tough demands for effective protection, excellent ventilation and a maximum field of vision. The slim design means that falling objects slide off easily and do not dislodge the helmet from its position. Softly rounded design, without any sharp or protruding components, the extremely comfortable lining and the simple adjustment of fit makes the G3000 unique.

For head protection designed for harsh environments, use 3M™ Hard Hat Series G3000. Helmets meet EN 397:212+A1:2012 requirements with the harness rotated through 180° (back to front) Our hard hat is available with pinlock or ratchet suspension and a plastic or leather sweatband. It features a softly rounded design that provides a good field of vision and helps avoid parts snagging on cables or branches. It’s available with or without ventilation holes that are distributed over a large area offer maximum through-flow of air, increasing wearer comfort. A short peak gives improved upwards visibility and a 3M™ Uvicator™ sensor disc tells you when your hard hat has been over exposed to UV-radiation and it’s time to replace it. The head harness can be rotated 180° for better visibility when working in confined spaces. Helmets meet EN 397:212+A1:2012 requirements with the harness rotated through 180° (back to front) and Electrically insulated versions meeting EN 50365:2002 for use on low voltage installations

Typical Properties


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