3M™ Tvárové štíty a zorníky radu V5

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3M™ 5-series clear polycarbonate and acetate Faceshields certified to EN 166:2001, provide protection against high speed particles, liquid splashes and/or molten metal splashes

3M™ 5-series mesh Faceshields certified to EN 1731:2006, provide protection against flying wood chips and twigs

3M™ 5-series clear Faceshields provide protection against UV, IR (heat) and/or intense visible light

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  • 3M™ 5-series clear polycarbonate and acetate Faceshields certified to EN 166:2001, provide protection against high speed particles, liquid splashes and/or molten metal splashes
  • 3M™ 5-series mesh Faceshields certified to EN 1731:2006, provide protection against flying wood chips and twigs
  • 3M™ 5-series clear Faceshields provide protection against UV, IR (heat) and/or intense visible light
  • 3M™ 5F-11, 5A-CPF and 5E-11 Faceshields have an anti-fog coating. All 3M™ 5 Series faceshields are optical class 1, curved or flat face and offer protection against high speed particles of medium energy (120 m/s), marked grade B, or of low energy (45 m/s), marked grade F, or meets F and in addition meets this requirement after conditioning at 55°C and -5°C, marked grade FT
  • Designed to fit 3M™ G3000 and G3501 Series Safety Helmets using 3M™ FH1 or V5 Faceshield Mounting System*
  • Designed to fit 3M™ SecureFit™ X5000 & X5500 series safety helmets using 3M™ FH1 or U5B Faceshield Mounting System*
  • Designed to fit 3M™ G500 or H8 headgear

3M™ 5-Series Faceshields is a range of polycarbonate, acetate and mesh faceshields, certified to EN 166:2001 and EN 1731:2006, and designed to protect aginst impact of high speed particles and other industrial or forestry hazards. These faceshields are designed to fit 3M™ SecureFit™ X5000 & X5500 and G3000 Safety Helmets and G500 headgear

All 3M™ 5-series clear faceshields are certified to EN 166 and designed to provide protection against various industrial hazards including high speed particles, UV and infra-red radiation, secondary welding light, liquid splashes or molten metal splashes. All 3M™ 5-series Mesh Faceshields are certified to EN 1731:2006 and are designed to offer eye and face protection against flying wood chips and twigs, whilst allowing fog-free vision and increased ventilation when working in strenuous outdoor conditions. Our range of clear, green, and gold-plated faceshields come in curved or flat face designs. They are optical class 1 and provide protection against high speed particles of medium energy (120 m/s), marked grade B, except 5H which provides protection against particles with low energy (45m/s) marked grade F, and 5A-CPF which provides protection against particles with low energy (45m/s) and in addition meets the requirement after conditioning at 55°C and -5°C, marked grade FT. 5F-11, 5A-CPF and 5E-11 Faceshields have an anti-fog coating. * 3M Faceshields are attached to 3M Safety Helmets using 3M Faceshield Holders and/or directly to 3M Headgear. Please refer to TDS for exact compatibility details. The snap in feature makes it quick and easy for the faceshields to connect to the Faceshield Holder. All 5-series faceshields are compatible with 3M™ V9 safety helmet integrated safety glasses, and a wide variety of 3M™ PELTOR™ ear muffs and communication headsets.

Typical Properties


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