3M™ Solus™ Safety Glasses 1000 Series

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Sporty, low profile 3M™ Solus™ Safety Glasses range which can be easily swapped with headband and/or gaskets to suit the application

Soft nose and soft temple ends to improve comfort, fit and style

3M™ Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating provides superior anti-fog and anti-scratch properties

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  • Sporty, low profile 3M™ Solus™ Safety Glasses range which can be easily swapped with headband and/or gaskets to suit the application
  • Soft nose and soft temple ends to improve comfort, fit and style
  • 3M™ Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating provides superior anti-fog and anti-scratch properties
  • TPE gasket (with or without rx-prescription insert) available to protect against liquids and large dust
  • When worn with headband and gasket the impact level increases to a medium energy impact protection (BT)
  • Foam gasket available to help limit eye exposure to debris
  • Special Kit versions available
  • Autoclavable versions available for sterilisation

3M™ Solus™ Safety Glasses 1000 Series feature a strong polycarbonate lens in a slim, stylish frame. Our safety glasses have 3M™ Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog / Anti-Scratch Coating, and can be configured in different ways because of the headband and gasket options. They are available in various lens tints.

Protect your eyes without compromising on style, comfort or field of vision with 3M™ Solus™ Safety Glasses 1000 Series. Our lightweight safety glasses feature a slim, modern frame with a colour accented soft temple for a stylish look, and soft nose bridge and padded temples for added comfort. The strong polycarbonate lens provides impact resistance and has 3M™ Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating for superior anti-fog and anti-scratch properties, resisting fogging longer than traditional anti-fog coatings, even after washing multiple times.

Typical Properties


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