3M™ Trizact™ brusný pás 237AA používá patentovanou technologii mikroreplikace, v rámci které jsou mikronové částice AlO vytvarovány do miniaturních pyramid brusného materiálu a následně naneseny na podklad y textilie hmotnostní třídy X. Při obrušování těchto pyramid je neustále odkrýván nový a ostrý minerál, výsledkem čehož je konzistentní brus a předvídatelný, jemný povrch.
Use 3M™ Trizact™ Cloth Belt 237AA with fast cutting aluminium oxide, for consistent finishes on hard metals such as carbon and stainless steel. Our belts feature unique 3M microreplication technology, where micron graded aluminium oxide particles are formed into tiny pyramids of abrasive mineral, then coated onto an X weight cloth backing. Under medium pressure, these pyramids continually break down to expose fresh sharp mineral, providing a consistent cut and predictable fine finish. The durable backing to 237AA cloth belts helps provide control, conformability and effective medium pressure grinding. The resin bonded abrasive gives greater heat resistance and helps prevent delamination. The three dimensional pyramid structures of abrasive are uniformly distributed over the entire surface ensuring consistent performance. These ‘pyramids’ contain layers of mineral, and they begin to break down after repeated use, continually exposing fresh mineral. The cycle of mineral renewal sustains the abrasive’s sharpness. These belts use a film media splice – a strong secure bond that joins the belt ends and is made of a thin film-joining media that minimises chatter marks. This keeps the belt running smoothly and offer consistent finishing results. Our Trizact abrasives produce a finer finish, achieve faster results and last up to five times longer than conventional abrasive products. They offer precise finish control, allowing operators to reduce grade sequences and subsequently, fewer processes steps and abrasive products.
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