1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Reklama a značenie
  4. Značenie vozovky a príslušenstvo
  5. Odnímateľné cestné pásky
  6. 3M™ Stamark™ Temporary Removable Pavement Marking Tape A650 White (120 mm x 100 m)

3M™ Stamark™ Temporary Removable Pavement Marking Tape A650 White (120 mm x 100 m)

  • 3M ID 7000079892
  • UPC 53134375305179
Celková šírka (metricky) 120 milimeter
Typ produktu Odstrániteľná páska
Celková dĺžka (metricky) 100 Meter

Durable and conformable flat tape with reinforcing embedded net, application with P50 Primer

Provides highly reflective delineation in dry conditions (731 and 734S also in wet conditions)

No use of heavy metal compounds within the product for coloring

Zobraziť viac detailov


  • Durable and conformable flat tape with reinforcing embedded net, application with P50 Primer
  • Provides highly reflective delineation in dry conditions (731 and 734S also in wet conditions)
  • No use of heavy metal compounds within the product for coloring
  • Easy to remove intact or in large pieces, leaving no adhesive residues, lasting marks, ghost markings or damage to the road surface
  • Road open to traffic much faster after application, compared to when using liquid pavement markings. No road damage after the work zone is finished cause there is no need for waterblasting or other mechanical removal techniques
  • Homologated by several independent test-institutes in Europe
  • Skid resistant
  • A731S and A734S tape utilize specially designed optics to provide dry and wet reflective performance

A flat tape, highly reflective under dry conditions. This tape is a conformable marking material intended for longitudinal line applications in construction work zones where removability will be required. After the end of the work zone, the tape can be removed intact or on large pieces. When wet reflective performance is required, then please consult 3M™ Stamark™ Temporary Marking Tape Series A730, A710 or 720.


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