1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Pásky a fólie
  4. Reflexné obklady
  5. 3M™ High Intensity Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 3939, Brown, 1220 mm x 45.7 m, 1 Roll/Case

3M™ High Intensity Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting 3939, Brown, 1220 mm x 45.7 m, 1 Roll/Case

  • 3M ID 7000055695
  • UPC 00051141570754
Celková šírka (metricky) 1 219 milimeter
Zobrazovacie metódy Digitálna tlač, Sieťotlač
Farba produktu Hnedá
Celková dĺžka (metricky) 45,7 Meter
Splnené technické údaje SK 12899-1:2007 typu RA2 / ETA R2

It meets the colour and performance requirements of EN 12899-1:2007 Class RA2. The 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 is approved for the manufacturing of signfaces for traffic signs with European Technical Approvals (ETA)

The reflectivity, colour contrast, legibility, brightness and durability of 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 are all much better than those achieved by encapsulated glass beaded (RA2) sheeting

Durable - tougher topcoat aids against scuffs and scratches

Zobraziť viac detailov


  • It meets the colour and performance requirements of EN 12899-1:2007 Class RA2. The 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 is approved for the manufacturing of signfaces for traffic signs with European Technical Approvals (ETA)
  • The reflectivity, colour contrast, legibility, brightness and durability of 3M™ High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3930 are all much better than those achieved by encapsulated glass beaded (RA2) sheeting
  • Durable - tougher topcoat aids against scuffs and scratches
  • The manufacturing process for 3M's Prismatic Sheetings reduces Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions by 97%, energy consumption by 77%, and solid waste by 46% compared to encapsulated lens sheeting manufacturing processes
  • Be kinder to the environment thanks to minimal uses of solvents and emissions in our manufacturing process

Non-metalized microprismatic lens reflective sheeting designed for production of reflective durable traffic control signs, work zone devices and delineators that are exposed vertically in service. Provides long-term reflectivity and durability with an improved optical package to increase nighttime safety. Its unique prismatic construction provides a high level of retroreflectivity for multiple traffic control situations.

Not only is 3M high intensity prismatic sheeting bright and durable, it’s better for the environment. The manufacturing process for prismatic sheeting reduces VOC emissions by 97 percent and energy consumption by 72 percent compared to standard engineer grade sheeting processes. Now that’s a change for the better.


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