We designed the 3M™ Replacement Filter Cartridge, Model AP2-C405-SG to remove chlorine taste and odour, sediment, cysts, lead and select VOCs for point of use mains-fed water coolers and drinking water systems. It helps provide cleaner, clear, better tasting water.
The 3M™ Replacement Filter Cartridge, Model AP2-C405-SG, is a replacement cartridge to remove chlorine taste and odour, sediment, cysts, lead and select VOCs for point of use mains-fed water coolers and drinking water systems. It helps provide cleaner, clear, better tasting water. We also incorporate a scale inhibitor to help protect your equipment from failure due to scale build-up in hot water applications. When faced with the challenge of providing the best possible quality water to enhance your brand, protect your machine and increase your profits, 3M™ rose to the occasion. Our water filtration filter systems provide ease of use and market leading protection for both your product and machine while producing cleaner, clearer water that is safe for food and beverage applications. Our graded carbon block filtration media filters sediment down to 1.0, 0.5, or 0.2 µm depending on model and also reduces 99.95% of protozoan cysts (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) along with 99.99% of bacteria. All materials are FDA CFR 21 compliant for food and drinking water safety and quality assurance. We added to our renowned range of AP2 water filters for mains-fed water coolers. Utilising enhanced filtration technology, the new 3M™ AP2-G filters use 53 percent less plastic than the original AP2 range without compromising performance, making them a more compact and cost-effective choice for operators of cold water dispensing machines. By using less plastic in production, the filters reduce waste and represent an environmentally responsible source of clean, great tasting, quality drinking water. We incorporate polyphosphates in the 3M™ Replacement Filter Cartridge, Model AP2-C405-SG, to bind calcium and magnesium hardness minerals, preventing them from precipitating out and building up on metallic surfaces.
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