Zvárací filter Speedglas 9100XX je určený pre profesionálnych zváračov a obsahuje sedem variabilných zatmavení (5, 8 a 9-13) na väčšinu typov oblúkového zvárania. Oblasť pohľadu 73 x 107 mm
For an auto-darkening filter with seven variable dark shades (5, 8 and 9-13) for use with 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmets 9100 Series, use 3M™ Speedglas™ Auto-Darkening Filters 9100 Series. It’s made for the professional welder and has a viewing area of 73 mm x 107 mm, suitable for most arc welding processes such as MMA, MIG/MAG, TIG and plasma welding. 3M™ Speedglas™ Auto-Darkening Welding Filters 9100 Series continue the tradition of outstanding 3M™ ADF optical quality, including uniform shading and minimal distortion across the entire filter viewing area. With a range of settings available, the user can select the right mode for each task. This can help reduce eye strain and improve the quality of every weld. 3M™ Speedglas™ Auto-Darkening Welding Filters 9100 Series are designed for use with 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmets 9100 Series. A delay function sets the dark-to-light opening time and it’s possible to lock-in any shade, e.g. in light state 3 when grinding. The ADF has a switching time (light-dark) of 0.1 ms and the sensitivity of the arc detection can be adjusted for reliable switching. The Tack welding comfort mode also helps minimise eye strain during extended tack welding applications. Certain model include 3M™ Speedglas™ Natural Colour Technology, allowing wearers to recognise colours more readily. Great clarity before, during and after welding is assured.
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