1. Slovensko
  2. Všetky výrobky 3M
  3. Filtrácia
  4. Filtračné vložky a média
  5. Chromatografické filtre
  6. 3M™ Polisher ST, BC2300, EMP710STX080R, 16 in, 1-Cell, 1/Case

3M™ Polisher ST, BC2300, EMP710STX080R, 16 in, 1-Cell, 1/Case

  • 3M ID 7100179570
  • UPC 00638060375013

Unaffected by process fluid turbidity up to 40 NTU.

The 3M™ Polisher ST is a single use multi-mechanism membrane adsorber which contains a Q-functional anion exchange non woven media and guanidinium functionalised membrane. This product removes residual turbidity, DNA and HCP and provides robust virus clearance for improved downstream/polishing purification.

Single-use technology as a cost-efficient option to increase biomass production by delivering high purity and yield in the downstream polishing unit operation in therapeutic recombinant protein process in biologically relevant operating conditions.

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  • Unaffected by process fluid turbidity up to 40 NTU
  • The 3M™ Polisher ST is a single use multi-mechanism membrane adsorber which contains a Q-functional anion exchange non woven media and guanidinium functionalised membrane. This product removes residual turbidity, DNA and HCP and provides robust virus clearance for improved downstream/polishing purification
  • Single-use technology as a cost-efficient option to increase biomass production by delivering high purity and yield in the downstream polishing unit operation in therapeutic recombinant protein process in biologically relevant operating conditions
  • Replaces downstream AEX polishing column for reduction of HCP and virus in a salt tolerant (ST) manner as a single-use solution
  • Provides DNA reduction in a salt tolerant (ST) manner compared with conventional Q-functional AEX resins

The 3M™ Polisher ST is a fully encapsulated single-use anion exchange (AEX) product. It is intended to reduce host cell protein, viruses, and other negatively charged contaminants in a flow-through polishing chromatography mode in biopharmaceutical process streams. The 3M™ Polisher ST is a synthetic, hybrid purifier containing two complementary AEX-functional media: a quaternary ammonium (“Q”) functional nonwoven and a guanidinium-functional membrane.

The Q-functional nonwoven provides reduction of turbidity (when present) and DNA. It also provides a portion of the product’s AEX capacity for HCP and virus reduction. Guanidinium functionalised membrane downstream of the functionalised nonwoven provides additional AEX polishing capacity. The novel guanidinium functionality of the downstream AEX polishing membrane mimics the amino acid, arginine, one of the three positively charged naturally occurring standard amino acids that make up proteins and is responsible for viral clearance and high salt tolerance.



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