Kotúč Scotch-Brite™ Clean and Strip XT Pro obsahuje karbid kremíka integrovaný do otvorenej štruktúry netkaného materiálu z nylonových vlákien. Naše disky účinne odstraňujú hrdzu, nátery, okoviny, krycie vrstvy a lepidla z povrchov a to bez významných zásahov do podkladového materiálu.
Get increased conformability without compromising on strength when preparing metal surfaces, or removing rust and paint, with Scotch-Brite™ Clean and Strip XT Pro Disc. Our discs feature a combination of reengineered fibre strands, resin and silicon carbide mineral abrasive to form a thick, open web. The spring-like nature of the fibres means these discs are able to follow the contours of the workpiece with greater accuracy, achieving a larger contact area for faster removal rates. They conform to weld bead ripples to polish welds without removing them, and also allow you to access hard-to-reach areas without damaging the substrate. The silicon carbide cuts aggressively to leave a fine finish. Unwanted burrs, soils, and contaminants are effectively removed while maintaining the geometry of the workpiece, which in turn reduces rework and helps to boost productivity. Furthermore, gaps in the web allow swarf to escape, minimising loading of the abrasive. To ensure a consistent cut over the life of the abrasive, the disc’s strengthening resin bond gradually breaks down through use to reveal new fibres and super-sharp silicon carbide abrasive. The high-strength fibre resists chunking and performs well on edges. These discs also offer low vibration and spark, a high-speed rating, and a long life.
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