3M™ Finesse-it™ Polish - K211 achieves a high cut rate and fine finish in the same product. Our K211 polish is recommended for use with 3M Finesse-it Polishing Pad.
Use 3M™ Finesse-it™ Polish - K211 to maximise the speed of cut, while achieving a haze free finish on many clear coats. Our K211 polish is recommended for use with 3M Finesse-it Polishing Pad. 3M Finesse-it products are specially designed compounds and polishes to be used on OEM and baked refinish paints. They remove sand scratches, defects and swirl marks on a variety of painted surfaces. 3M™ Finesse-it™ products are an integral part of our recommended buffing system for repairing surface defects to clear coats, lacquered wood, solid surfaces, gelcoat, powder coat, industrial paint, acrylic and glass. 3M Finesse-it products are specially designed compounds and polishes to be used on OEM and baked refinish paints. They remove sand scratches, defects and swirl marks on a variety of painted surfaces. 3M Finesse-it products are an integral part of our recommended buffing system for repairing surface defects to clear coats, lacquered wood, solid surfaces, gelcoat, powder coat, industrial paint, acrylic and glass.
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