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  5. Papierové kotúče
  6. 3M™ Wetordry™ Finesse-it™ Paper Disc Roll 401Q

3M™ Wetordry™ Finesse-it™ Paper Disc Roll 401Q

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Discs may be run wet or dry, according to user preference

Works well on many surfaces, from paint to metal and wood

Multiple discs on a roll reduces the need for ordering replacements

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  • Discs may be run wet or dry, according to user preference
  • Works well on many surfaces, from paint to metal and wood
  • Multiple discs on a roll reduces the need for ordering replacements
  • Pressure sensitive adhesive backing makes for easy stick-on and stick-off attachment to holder pad
  • May be used with random orbital sanders, disc sanders or a stationary disc sander

3M™ Wetordry™ Finesse-it™ Paper Disc Roll 401Q is a roll of scalloped discs on a lightweight pressure sensitive adhesive backing. Our 401Q paper discs feature a silicon carbide mineral, which leaves an excellent finish. They can be run wet or dry.

3M™ Wetordry™ Finesse-it™ Paper Disc Roll 401Q is designed for efficient prep and repair of a multitude of surfaces. Our scalloped discs feature a pressure sensitive silicon carbide adhesive backing. They can be run wet or dry, on substrates ranging from paint to metal and wood. Use them for buffing and polishing, finishing, paint and lacquer sanding. Use for MRO and AEOM finish prep. They work well with random orbital sanders, disc sanders or stationary disc sanders. Multiple discs on a roll reduces the need for ordering replacements, giving greater cost efficiencies.

Typical Properties

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